Affiliate Members

Affiliate members are those that align with the CBO values, concepts and vision for modern day Budō. They may receive the benefits of being linked to the CBO and attend events, seminars and competitions.

Guild Members

Guild members chose to fully embrace the CBO with their official instructor uniform (DoGi) with patches and CBO Dan graded belt. Guild members will train and put their senior 1st Kyu grades from the official Ten Round Kumite (TRK) and train them under the codification of Tactical Micro Fights (TMF). Guild members can grade their students to Shodan level via our seminar and belt testing system. Guild members may have free use of the CBO logos, artwork and photos.  

The Membership application process

  1. Reason for joining and expectations. Please, choose between Affiliate or Guild membership. 
  2. Fill out the CBO application form. Please, contact prior to download it.
  3. Supply copies of certificates and qualifications. Also include date of Shodan Test. 
  4. Send links to websites, YouTube and social media pages.
  5. Supply training and teaching videos and photos (if not included in number 3).
  6. Photo with the full CBO Black DoGi with Patches and Belt for the official instructor/member listing.

Members and affiliates can and are encouraged to teach their own system and syllabus as the CBO uses an ‘Open Source’ method. The CBO allows each member and their team/school to find the best solutions to the Shodan test and Tactical Micro Fights. This ‘Open Source’ approach enables the development of ideas, tactics and strategies to evolve, keeping the martial arts and Budō realistic and alive. 

The CBO offers basics (Kihon) training as a framework and structure via the Budō Online platform. 

Each member dojo can have their own Kyu (student) grades colours from 9th to 1st. 

The Combat Budō Organisation is an independent organisation and not a ‘style’. Each member is expected to have their own dojo name, system and syllabus but we become unified at the seminars, events, tournaments with an umbrella uniformed identity. The ceremonial dress code of the CBO black head-guard, DoGi, patches and official belts (obi) with short sleeves or rolled up . Please see photos. 

*All joining prices given upon request and application. 

Please, download and fill out the application form.